The new traveling talent variety show on SPEED where contestants go from “Zero to Fame in 60 minutes!” Each week real people just like you compete for the chance to win cash, prizes, fame and glory! Casting directors are seeking non-union talent who have a warm, homey feel to them.
The show is seeking people who have a talent of some kind, including singers and musicians, magicians, comics, impressionists, jugglers, variety and novelty acts, etc. – individuals…duos…teams (up to 6). They do not want any animal acts, bands or fire acts.
You must be at least 18 years old and a citizen of the United States or a permanent legal resident.
Click Here to download the audition application form, and the Consent and Release form.
You can submit video links of no more than 3 minutes to [email protected] or you can mail a DVD or VHS to:
Five Binks, Inc.
2801 W. Olive Ave Suite 200
Burbank, CA 91505
Attention: Fast Track Talent
Be sure to include your contact information and a description of your talent, as well as links to any videos you may have posted online where you are displaying your talent.
By submitting your material you are waiving any and all claims relating to the use of similar or identical items by the producers or the program and its broadcasters, including SPEED.
They view all tapes and links but can only notify those who will possibly get to appear on the show.
Information Hotline: 877-909-3883